by | Nov 16, 2018

Catch report October 2018

Catch record Lake 1 Lake 2

Rainbow Trout total

124 Under repair

Catch & Release


Fish taken

Brown Trout Total 6
Catch & Release
Fish Taken
Total caught 130
Average weight 2.8lb
Average catch per rod (both lakes) TBA
Largest Fish 4.75lb
Caught by Peter Bentley


Looking at the log in the lodge It would appear the fishing is improving after the summer months,  l noted one of the most successful flys used in October was the Montana, this fly comes in varying colours and is dressed most commonly with a green head on long shank hook. I personally find it is best fished on a 9/12 foot leader with slow steady retrieve.

If anyone has other recommendations on fly’s and techniques please add them to the comments form below or on the forum.